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Creative with a Minimalist Garden

Now, with the limited open space in your home, does not mean a garden becomes impossible. Parks can be created by combining elements of hard and soft. Represented harsh elements and software elements of garden furniture from the plant or tree charger. You can combine them according creativity to look more perfect. For the minimalist look, you can choose a simple form of garden furniture, from a durable material. For example, cement, stone, glass, or plastic. Furniture made from cement can you kreasikan as needed, for example pots in the front yard. Cement pots can be made according to the type, number of plants as well as the proportion of land area. Despite the impressive weight, material made from cement proved more durable than natural materials, like bamboo and wood. In addition to pots, you can be creative to create benches, garden tables, and the house lights (the hood) park. However, given the nature of the cement material is heavy and hard to move, make sure the correct placement of your liking. For placement of pots made from plastic and glass, you should place it on the side porch and rear, and side yard. It aims to not wear out too quickly exposed to sun and weather changes. To add an element of cool, you can re-play element to the glass or plastic aquarium ornamental fish. The aquarium can be placed at the corner of the terrace, to soften the harsh elements of material other patio furniture. Cement based materials can you kreasikan in the form of an artificial waterfall ornament with a minimalist concept. Another form is the vessel pair, sculpture fountains, and pond fish. For making a fish pond, do not forget to equip it with water circulation from the installation of pipes in the bottom of the pond and filter fabric to filter out impurities. Meanwhile, in choosing the right plants, you should select the type of plants are easy to maintain, let alone you are classified as having a solid daily routine. Choose plants that can tolerate dry conditions, such as aloe vera and Adenium. As another option limiting crop, you can choose the tea-resistant crops or iris yellow. While the use of grass can put a mini elephant grass species. If you have this presence in your home garden will provide a conditioning element and refreshment. No matter how large in size, if the park can be laid out nicely, it would be unsightly and add aesthetic value of occupancy. Congratulations creative......

Blog, Updated at: 8:53 AM


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